Benzinga recently had the chance to speak with Steve Antony, CEO of the largest U.S. uranium miner, Energy Fuels UUUU 2.31%.
Mr. Antony discussed a range of topics, including nuclear energy headwinds, misconceptions about the environmental impact of nuclear energy, the U.S.’s reliance on uranium imports and Energy Fuels’ recent $100 million acquisition of Uranerz Energy Corp (NYSE: URZ).
Fears Of A Nuclear Disaster
When asked if fears of nuclear disasters such as those that occurred at Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Fukushima have kept Americans leery of nuclear energy, Antony concurred that fear has certainly played a role in U.S. nuclear policy. “The U.S. was dedicated to a massive nuclear buildup coming out of the 70s, and then along came Three Mile Island, which produced the first upset in the nuclear buildout.”
While Antony acknowledged that the public has the right to be concerned about nuclear disasters of years past, the U.S.’s modern safety regulations and its nuclear power track record are stellar. There has never been a single U.S. life lost to radiation exposure at U.S. nuclear power plants in the history of the industry.
According to Antony, one of the biggest misconceptions that exists about nuclear energy is…
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