In a recent report, Credit Suisse analysts looked at Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and gave their take on the space. Analysts cut price targets for these eight MLPs based on the worsening commodity price environment.
BreitBurn Energy Partners L.P. BBEP 2.28%
Analysts cut their target for BrietBurn from $9.00 to $7.00. They predict a $0.05 cut in distribution per unit in 2015 and leverage to remain above 4x.
DCP Midstream Partners, LP DPM 0.12%
Analysts lowered their price target for DCP from $56.00 to $50.00. They note that the partnership is largely hedged against commodity prices, but will likely suffer from shrinking margins through at least 2016.
EnLink Midstream LLC ENLC 0.12%
Analysts lowered their target for EnLink from $51.00 to $49.00 after a disappointing 4Q14 distribution declaration.
EV Energy Partners, L.P. EVEP 2.05%
Analysts lowered their price target for EV Energy from $36.00 to $24.00 based on their prediction of upcoming distribution cuts.
MarkWest Energy Partners LP MWE 0.07%
Analysts trimmed their target for MarkWest from $80.00 to $71.00 after accounting for the most updated guidance provided by management.
Midcoast Energy Partners LP MEP 0.34%
Analysts lowered their price target for Midcoast from $21.00 to $19.00 based on the depressed commodity price environment.
Regency Energy Partners LP RGP 0.34%
Analysts adjusted their price target from $30.00 to $27.00, as they expect lackluster distribution growth in the current environment.
Targa Resources Corp RGP 0.34%
Analysts lowered their price target for Targa (NGLS) from $68.00 to $61.00 and Targa (TRGP) from $133 to $120 based on tempered distribution growth expectations.
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