14 Health Care, Managed Care Stocks To Put On Your Radar

Credit Suisse has initiated coverage on a number of managed care and health care facilities stocks and is mostly bullish on the space. In the initiation note, analyst A.J. Rice said the fundamentals of managed care stocks are appealing, but their current valuations likely limit upside.

The managed care space is positioned to grow operating earnings by 9 to 12 percent, Rice said. (See Rice’s track record here.) Capital deployment should also help boost earnings by 4 to 6 percent, the analyst said.

Rice is more selective with hospital stocks, but pointed out that investor expectations are low at this point. While hospitals seem to have costs under control, Rice said there is “no obvious source of positive margin leverage” for them.

Credit Suisse’s top stock picks in the space include the following Outperform-rated names:

Credit Suisse set…

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