The 10 Most Dangerous Internet Passwords

Yesterday’s news that a massive breach in the U.S. government’s Office of Personnel Management compromised the personal data of 21.5 million people is only the latest nightmarish cybersecurity story in the headlines.

While big-name victims such as Anthem Inc ANTM 2.05%, eBay Inc EBAY 1.76%, Home Depot Inc HD 1.59% and JPMorgan Chase & Co. JPM 1.55% have learned their lessons the hard way, cybersecurity stocks such as FireEye Inc FEYE 0.04% and Palo Alto Networks Inc PANW 0.18% have surged in the past year.

The Simplest Hack

However, just because the average person may not be a computer genius or a cybersecurity expert, it doesn’t mean he or she is completely helpless when it comes to protecting personal and business data.

Although some of the recent attacks on large institutions likely involved a mind-boggling degree of complexity and digital savvy, one of the most common forms of hacking is simply guessing passwords.

Dangerous Passwords

Although the intended purpose of a password is…

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