In a new report, Global Source Partners analyst Michael Pettis gave his take on China and voiced his concerns over the role that Chinese debt is playing in the nation’s slumping economy. Pettis sees a close relationship between debt level and growth rate and points out that many economists seem to be missing the connection.
Bad Habits
According to Pettis, the current predicament in China has come about because of the economic system that has been in place in China for decades.
“The combination of high debt levels, a financial sector that plays a key role within the country’s economic model, and over three decades of high growth has, by consistently rewarding certain types of risky behavior, left the country with a balance sheet that systematically enhances volatility,” he explained.
The end result of this system has been the consistent downside growth surprises in China since 2012. Pettis believes that the country’s debt burden will continue to produce disappointing growth numbers.
Pettis predicts…
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