After recommending caution in the big oil space for multiple years, Citi Research analyst Alastair Syme just released a new report in which the firm is finally changing its tune. After a precipitous drop in oil and stock prices during the past year, Citi now believes that integrated oil stocks are no longer overvalued and upgraded the group from Underweight to Sector Weight.
What Is The Upside?
From a value perspective, the price to book (P/B) of the integrated oil group now sits at 1.2x, lower than its troughs in both 2009 and 1998. “Assuming an 8% COE and 0% growth that would put fair value at 1.75x = 45% upside,” Syme explains.
Although risks still remain in the space, Citi now sees value-based downside protection.
Value In Oil
The oversupply in the oil market has pushed…
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