Apple’s stock was down more than 3.0 percent on Tuesday after the release of a Credit Suisse report claiming Apple has reduced its iPhone components orders by as much as 10 percent. A 3.0 percent drop in one day is a major move for a stock with as large of a market cap as Apple, the world’s largest public company.
How rare is a drop this large and how has the stock traded in the past following such a large one-day decline? Here’s a look at what traders can expect over the next 10 days.
A Common Occurrence
It turns out that for such a large company, Apple’s stock experiences relatively large one-day declines of 3.0 percent or more on a fairly regular basis. In fact, Apple has registered one-day drops of more than 3.0 percent no less than 31 times in the last four years.
The Next 10 Days
The good news for Apple shareholders is…
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