Goldman Sachs Survey Identifies Top Global Fashion Brands Among Millennial Women

Goldman Sachs recently conducted its 2015 Teen Vogue-GS brand survey to identify fashion brand popularity among Millennial women. Survey participants were asked to rank 250 global fashion brands based on familiarity, favorability, word of mouth, ownership and purchase intent. The female Millennial demographic is a critical customer base for almost every fashion brand, and Goldman analyst Lindsay Drucker Mann has revealed the top-ranking global brands of 2015.

Athletic Dominates In Tough Environment

Goldman reported that overall favorability metrics among top brands have declined over the past year, which is indicative of the tough environment many of these companies currently face.

Mann called athletic apparel the “big story” of 2015. This year’s numbers for athletic brands marks the second straight year of strong performance in the space.

The ‘Love It’ List

The first list in the Goldman Survey is…

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