According to a new article by Bill Gross, the world is mostly oblivious to the long-term implications of its current debt problem. “It’s a wonderful life for the 1% and a Xanax existence for the 99,” Gross wrote about the current state of the global economy.
While blissful ignorance will likely cause no major harm in the short-term, an aging global population, particularly in the wealthier developed nations, is a ticking time-bomb in decades to come.
“I speak specifically to liabilities associated with the Boomer generation: healthcare, private pensions, Social Security and the unestimable costs of global warming,” Gross explained.
The United States currently has a outstanding debt of $16 trillion, or 100 percent GDP. However, Gross points out that the present value of Medicaid ($35 trillion), Medicare ($23 trillion) and Social Security ($8 trillion) promised under existing laws totals $66 trillion, or 400 percent GDP.
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