10 Sports Jersey Sponsorships That Need To Happen

StubHub has officially become the first NBA jersey advertiser. Starting in the 2017–2018 season, StubHub will be paying $5 million per year to have its logo features on the Philadelphia 76ers jerseys.

In coming months, it’s likely that a number of other NBA jersey sponsorship deals will come rolling in. The possibilities are endless, but here are 10 perhaps overly-appropriate professional sports team sponsorships that Benzinga would love to see.

1. Dallas Cowboys: Smith & Wesson Holding Corp SWHC

You’re not a real cowboy if you have an empty holster!

2. Chicago Bulls: Red Bull Come on Red Bull — they’re the Bulls and their primary jersey color is red. This ad sells itself.

3. Denver Nuggets: McDonald’s Corporation MCD

They could even try to negotiate an advertising deal to have the team re-named the Denver McNuggets, but that would probably cost a pretty penny.

4. New York Jets: Delta Air Lines, Inc. DAL

Don’t overthink it, Delta.

5. Phoenix Suns: Coppertone

After all, fans should remember not to spend too much time near the Suns without their SPF 30 Suns-screen.

6. Los Angeles Dodgers: Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl Inc VRX

Valeant has had quite a year dodging accusations of drug price gouging and nefarious accounting, and now they are trying to dodge the consequences of an ongoing SEC investigation.

7. Denver Broncos: Churchill Downs, Inc. CHDN

It seems…

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