Goldman Sees These 3 Areas Leading The Oil Market Recovery

Brent crude oil prices topped $50/bbl on Thursday for the first time in nearly seven months, providing further evidence that the oil market has found its bottom for this cycle. Now that the market appears to be stabilizing, investors are shifting their focus to which stocks will be the best performers throughout the recovery.

According to Goldman Sachs analyst Waqar Syed, the firm is targeting three areas: U.S. shale, Mideast OPEC and Brownfield development.

Syed believes Mideast OPEC producers have the advantage of running the industry’s lowest-cost operations. U.S. shale will be the global supplier of marginal non-OPEC oil. Finally, Brownfield oil typically falls low on the cost curve and could be an economical option for E&Ps looking to offset natural production declines.

A Few Stock Picks

For investors, Goldman names…

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