The Street Has Already Shrugged Off Twitter’s Poor Q2 Earnings

Twitter Inc‘s TWTR 0.33% stock took a nosedive from $18.50 to as low as $15.69 on the day after the company reported disappointing Q2 earnings numbers and forward guidance on July 26. However, only eight trading days later, the stock is now comfortably back above the $18 level once again.

In fact, Twitter buyers had only two days to buy the dip below $16 before the stock took off and never looked back.

Despite the disappointing numbers, the stock is now once again trading near its highest level of 2016. Twitter peaked at $18.90 just prior to Q2 earnings.

Although the stock is still nowhere near its IPO price of $26 or its all-time high of $74.73, M&A rumors have given shareholders at least a temporary relief from the steady downward drift they have endured over the past couple of years. Twitter stock hit an all-time low of $13.73 back in May.

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