The ‘Fight For 15′ Minimum Wage Movement Just Took A New Turn

Workers took to the streets on Thursday, December 4 in more than 190 cities across the country in an effort to gain a $15 minimum wage.

Unrest over the $7.25 per hour federal minimum wage has been growing in recent months, and the fight has shifted from the federal level to the state and city level after the Senate blocked a federal minimum wage bill earlier this year.

Why Fight For 15 Is Now Different
While previous strikes have been mostly within the restaurant industry, Thursday’s protests were much more widespread and included airport, gas station, convenience store and retail employees.

Among the companies that were prominently targeted were McDonald’s CorporationNYSEMCD), Burger King Worldwide Inc BKW 0.3% and Dunkin Brands Group Inc DNKN 0%.

Distress And Unrest: Low Wages And High Profits?
The “Fight For 15” movement is angry over what they consider to be insufficient wages for employees of some of the world’s most profitable corporations…

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