Bank Of America Analysts Explain How To Profit From A Shift To Efficient Energy

A recent report by Bank of America focused on investment themes for a changing world. One of the areas that the report identified as a source of change is energy efficiency. Primary energy demand already makes up 7 percent of worldwide GDP, and Bank of America analysts expect energy demand to grow by 40 percent by 2035.

With the huge inevitable demand for energy coming, it is unlikely there will be a single solution. Analysts believe that clean coal, gas, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and increased energy efficiency will all contribute to the energy dynamic in the future. The report states that energy efficiency alone could cut in half the amount of energy required worldwide by 2035.

Since 80 percent of energy is lost along the value chain, there is plenty of opportunity for improvement when it comes to efficiency. Bank of America anticipates up to $14 trillion will be invested worldwide in energy efficiency by 2035.

Analysts see eight different ways to invest in the blossoming energy efficiency sector:

1. Autos
2. Buildings
3. Industry
4. Data storage
5. Lighting
6. The Internet of Things (smart devices)
7. Smart grid
8. Transportation (buses, trains, planes)

The stocks that Bank of America recommends as a means to capitalize on the opportunities in the world of efficient energy include the following…

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