Donald Trump continued his attack on the media on Friday morning, posting the following tweet encouraging voters to ignore media reports citing unnamed sources.
Of course, Trump himself frequently cites unnamed sources himself when making unverified claims. The tweet below from 2012 about President Obama’s birth certificate being fraudulent is one example.
Business Insider editor Brett Logiurato posted the two Trump Tweets on Friday in defense of the media and to highlight Trump’s inconsistency.
Trump has a long history of directly contradicting himself on Twitter. Back in July, Trump tweeted disparaging remarks about former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg after Bloomberg criticized Trump at the Democratic National Convention.
Of course, back in 2012, Trump was singing a different tune, tweeting that Bloomberg was doing a “great job” as mayor.
While Trump’s Twitter contradictions make for an entertaining read, polls show that honesty and trustworthiness are real problems for both candidates. A recent Quinnipiac poll found…
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