Day trading stocks is one of the most difficult ways to make money in the stock market. There’s a long list of reasons why long-term investing is the safer and easier way to go.
Day traders rack up massive amounts of commission fees. Day-trading gains are taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains. Day traders are competing against high-frequency trading algorithms that can enter and exit positions in milliseconds.
Practically speaking, simply guessing which direction a stock is going to go isn’t a viable investing strategy. And if all these reasons aren’t discouraging enough, studies have found that more than 90% of day traders lose money.
However, much like the Powerball lottery, when big money is on the line, people don’t care about the odds. If you are determined to become rich day trading stocks, you must first select the right stocks to trade.
Here are three stocks that aren’t great long-term investments but make solid day trading stocks.
Stocks Only Fit For Day Trading: Ocean Power Technologies (OPTT)
As a long-term investment, Ocean Power Technologies Inc(NASDAQ:OPTT) is…
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