4 Trends Cybersecurity Investors Should Know

JMP Securities analysts recently attended the Gartner Security Summit in Maryland. JMP analyst Erik Suppiger followed up this week with a report on the key takeaways from the summit, including the four major trends that JMP identified in the cybersecurity space.

1. Threat Intelligence

The first major theme from the summit is the idea that modern security involves more than just fixing breaches. Companies want contextual information about security issues so that they can understand the cause of the issue and proactively prevent additional incidents.

2. Cloud Computing

The tidal wave of cloud computing adoption has inevitably created an exploding demand for cloud security. According to JMP, cybersecurity is seen as one of the major remaining roadblocks in the continuing adoption of cloud services. JMP believes that security vendors that have a strong cloud segment will emerge as leaders in the space in coming years.

3. Network Segmentation

The third major trend that JMP identified is…

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