According to a new report out this week by Zillow, modern first-time homebuyers are waiting longer than they ever have. While the data indicates that Millennials are not rushing into buying their first house, many of them are also not waiting to get married before making the big purchase.
Renting For Longer
The Zillow study found that first-time homebuyers are now renting for an average of 6.0 years before buying their first homes. This delay is an all-time high going back to 1970 when first-time homebuyers only rented for an average of 2.6 years prior to buying a home.
“Millennials are delaying all kinds of major life decisions, like getting married and having kids, so it makes sense that they would also delay buying a home,” Zillow Chief Economist Dr. Svenja Gudell said in the report.
Other Numbers
Since first-time homebuyers are renting for longer these days, it’s not surprising that the average age of first-time homebuyers has also climbed…
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