After another modest decline on Friday, shares of Twitter Inc TWTR 3.14% closed the week at $25.87, slightly below its headline IPO price back in November 2013. While Twitter shareholders find themselves back at square one after a 27.9 percent decline in 2015, Benzinga checked up to see how the five biggest IPOs of 2014 are playing out.
5. Virgin America Inc VA 1.8%
Airline stocks were having a rough go of it in recent weeks even prior to the market collapse this week. However, despite a 23.4 percent decline so far in 2015, Virgin America is still trading 43.8 percent higher than its $23 IPO price.
4. GoPro Inc GPRO 1.73%
GoPro’s 2015 decline has nearly mirrored Virgin America’s decline, as shares of the camera maker are down 23.5 percent year-to-date. However, overall, GoPro IPO investors are still looking at more than 100 percent returns from the company’s October, 2014 IPO price of $24 per share.
3. King Digital KING 4.25%
Yikes. The maker of Candy Crush Saga raised…
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