Credit Suisse: How To Trade End-Of-Year Market Volatility

It’s hard to believe there’s only a little more than a month remaining in 2015, but according to Credit Suisse analyst Sean Shepley, there are a lot of market-moving events packed into the last few weeks of this year. In a new report, Shepley discusses Credit Suisse’s outlook for market volatility, monetary policy and global currencies.

Monetary Policy

Credit Suisse is watching for monetary policy divergence between the US and Europe starting in December. The firm expects the ECB to ease its policies in December and the Fed to begin tightening. “Our central view, shared by many in the market, is that the ECB will announce that it will run its €60bn a month asset purchase programme ‘at least until March 2017′ (instead of Sept. 2016) and cut its deposit rate by 10bp to -0.3% from -0.2%,” Shepley explained.


Credit Suisse technical analysts remain…

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