4 Energy Stocks Canaccord Loves

To say that the energy sector has made for some tricky trading in the past couple of years would be quite an understatement, but Canaccord analysts have found four energy stocks that they love: Earthstone Energy Inc ESTE 2.22%, Abraxas Petroleum Corp. AXAS 0.69%, Canadian Solar Inc. CSIQ 0.57% and Ring Energy Inc REI 3.99%.

Abraxas Petroleum

Abraxas has a presence in the Williston, Permian and Powder River Basins, as well as the Eagle Ford Shale. The company has been divesting non-core assets to shore up its balance sheet, and analyst Stephen Berman believes it will have plenty of liquidity and financial flexibility to weather the commodity slump.

Canaccord has a Buy rating and $2 price target on the stock.

Canadian Solar

Analyst Jed Dorsheimer has lowered Canaccord’s price target for Canadian Solar from $30 to $29, but maintains a Buy rating on the stock. He believes that near-term market confusion surrounding revenue recognition and timing of asset sales has resulted in the stock trading at a significant discount relative to the value of its assets.

Earthstone Energy

Berman believes that Earthstone has excellent positioning in the Eagle Ford Shale and possesses one of the better balance sheets among small cap U.S. E&P stocks. Canaccord has lowered its price target from $17 to $16 but maintains its Buy rating.

Ring Energy

Out of all four names, Canaccord analyst Sam Burwell is…

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