Why Natural Gas Investors And Renewable Energy Investors Are Hoping For The Same Thing

There are lots of clean energy investors out there who have very principled beliefs about the future of the global energy business. However, in the near term, fossil fuel investors and clean energy investors should both be hoping for the same thing: higher prices.

According to Citi analyst Anthony Yuen, the short-term fates of clean energy investors and natural gas investors are closely linked.

“The growth of renewable should rebound when natural gas prices and forwards rise, providing a lift to power prices,” Yuen explained.

Low gas and coal prices provide little motivation for companies to switch to alternative energy and place heavy pricing pressures on alternative energy companies.

In the past two years, the United States Natural Gas Fund, LP UNG 1.07% is down 71.7 percent. In that same time, the Guggenheim Solar ETF TAN 0.8% is also down 47.6 percent.

Yuen assures both natural gas investors and alternative energy investors that relief is certainly on the way.

Citi is projecting…

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