Stocks, bonds and ETFs can be intimidating and overwhelming to a new investor. Sometimes it’s hard to even know where to start when it comes to investing for your future. The stock market goes up and down seemingly at random somehow, with some stocks flying high and other crashing left and right. As the world witnessed back in 2008, sometimes the entire stock market even crashes, and almost any stock you choose can lose value.
Make An Easy, Long-Term Investment
As much as some people would like to believe that certain investments are “sure things,” the truth is that nobody really knows where the market is headed at any given time. One of the best ways to protect your investment is to try to reduce your risk by investing in a wide range of different stocks and bonds. This diversification limits the potential damage that any single stock or bond could do to your returns if the investment turns sour.
If you’re looking for a way to invest in a balanced and diversified group of stocks and bonds, Stash’s “Moderate Mix” ETF, more commonly known as the iShares S&P Moderate Allocation Fund ETF AOM 0.47%, might be worth a look. The ETF is nicknamed “Moderate Mix” because it contains shares of 10 stock and bond ETFs with a wide range of themes.
Which Investments Are Included?
Most of the investments in “Moderate Mix” are…
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Want to learn more about how to profit off the stock market? Or maybe you just want to be able to look sophisticated in front of your coworkers when they ask you what you are reading on your Kindle, and you’d prefer to tell them “Oh, I’m just reading a book about stock market analysis,” rather than the usual “Oh, I’m just looking at pics of my ex-girlfriend on Facebook.” For these reasons and more, check out my book, Beating Wall Street with Common Sense. I don’t have a degree in finance; I have a degree in neuroscience. You don’t have to predict what stocks will do if you can predict what traders will do and be one step ahead of them. I made a 400% return in the stock market over five years using only basic principles of psychology and common sense. Beating Wall Street with Common Sense is now available on Amazon, and is always available on your local internet!