Tesla Customer Rents Out Model S At A Profit, Addresses ‘Biggest Challenge’ With Apple iPhone

Clean Technica contributor Jeff Cohen claims to have found a way to own a Tesla Motors Inc TSLA 4.73% Model S for three years and actually turn a profit. Cohen was originally in the market to buy a pre-owned Model S, but after shopping around, he decided he would go a different route.

“After a year of looking at second-owned Tesla Model S purchase opportunities online, I decided to create my own 3-year-old Tesla and give people who want to drive one for longer than a test drive the opportunity to help me fund it,” Cohen explains.

He included the following expense chart to show how he expects to be able to turn a modest profit after three years.

After the up-front $84,470 cost of buying a brand new 2015 Tesla Model S 60, Cohen gets $12,500 in federal and state tax credits. In addition, by setting up a LLC car rental business, he also gets…

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