It’s hard not to be envious of extremely intelligent and talented people in the business world. After all, talent goes a long way.
However, Tristan Walker, founder and CEO of Walker & Company brands, recently Tweeted a list of 10 keys to business success that require no talent whatsoever.
Here’s a rundown of his list.
10 Keys To Success In Business
1. Being On Time
Many of these behaviors seem like no-brainers, but showing up late to events, meetings or even walking into work at 9:10 a.m. instead of 9:00 is disrespectful to superiors, coworkers or partners.
2. Work Ethic
Not everyone can naturally be the best at his or her job, but everyone has the ability to out-work others in their field.
3. Effort
The easiest thing in the world is to give up. Not only will effort often produce results, it always demonstrates to others that they can rely on you to do everything you can to make things happen.
4. Body Language
Confidence and success can be contagious. When you believe in yourself and present positive body language to the world, others will (often subconsciously) pick up on it and will begin to believe in you too.
5. Energy
When are you more productive at work? When you drag in hung-over after two hours of sleep or when you show up after a healthy breakfast and full night’s rest?
6. Attitude
Not everything in the business world is pleasant, but unpleasant things must be done. If you approach everything with a positive attitude, you will earn a lot of respect.
7. Passion
It’s often easy to tell when people are passionate about their kids, their favorite TV show or the local sports team. If you can make your career your passion, the path to success won’t feel like such an effort.
8. Being Coachable
Stubbornness and pride are…
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