Eli Manning Said What? He’s Never Suffered A Concussion, But Players Should ‘Be Smart About It’

The National Football League raked in more than $13 billion in revenue last year. Clearly Americans love the inherently violent game. But, the bigger and faster the players get, the more dangerous the game becomes.

One of the major issues the league has been dealing with in recent years is how to reduce, diagnose and treat concussions. The delicate balancing act of keeping the players safe while maintaining the aspects of the game that attracted fans in the first place has been a struggle for the league. If the situation seems to have easy solutions, just look to the players themselves to see how divisive the concussion issue really is.

Although he reports never having suffered from a concussion personally, New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning has been vocal in addressing his fellow players about the importance of following the NFL’s concussion protocol.

“Be smart about it and tell the trainers and make sure you’re doing everything you can to try to prevent any damage down the road,” Manning said this week.

Former NFL quarterback Kurt Warner believes that the game is too dangerous in its current form to be worth the risk. Warner recently said that he would not want his sons to play in the NFL because of the potential for head trauma.

Former teammate Amni Toomer fired…

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