10 Most Retweeted Tweets Ever

President Donald Trump has been under fire for his comments in the days following a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Aug. 12. Trump initially tweeted his press conference coverage, in which he stated “both sides” were to blame for the violence that broke out at the protest, and followed up with a statement on Tuesday in which he said there “are two sides to a story.”

But while Trump has received backlash for his statements, former President Barack Obama’s tweet in response to the tragedy became Twitter’s most liked tweet in history this week.

At the time of publication, Obama’s tweet had 1,359,027 retweets and a Twitter record of 3,459,011 likes:

Obama’s message of positivity certainly resonated with Twitter users, but would need to more than double its current amount of retweets to break the record for the most retweeted post in history. As it stands, here’s…

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