World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. WWE 1.96% shareholders will have to wait until May 10 for the company’s Q1 top and bottom-line numbers, but the latest data from TickerTags indicate the company is generating some impressive social media growth.
TickerTags monitors social media sites to identify trends by searching for words and phrases that appear together in social media content, such as tweets.
Mentions of “WWE” in the video content on YouTube surged 291 percent year-over-year in Q1 and were up 29 percent compared to Q4.
WWE YouTube subscriber numbers are up 49 percent since Q4 as well. The company’s YouTube channel is the most followed channel in the sports category and has more than 8 billion views.
The Q1 data suggest that WWE’s strong 2015 YouTube momentum has spilled over into 2016. In the company’s 2015 annual report, it disclosed that YouTube video consumption of its content doubled last year, and fan interaction on social media was up 50 percent.
Last quarter, WWE reported…
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